March 5, 2011

#004 DAY CLIPS cover *-* & Other Stuff

Umm I watched the new Hexagon yesterday and misono wasn't in it. Strange... in her HP it's written that she was in it. I wonder what happened...?

Oh btw I'm looking for new pictures almost every day (yeah, I'm that fanatic xD) and I found some day after tomorrow pics I have never seen before. And the cover of DAY CLIPS, which is super cute / sexy :D And it's bigger than I expected it to be so I'm really happy now! (minus the Hexagon thing)

So this is the cover *-* I wish I had this DVD, but I don't think I'll buy it in the near future. It's too expensive and I have all the PVs from it, so it's not neccessary to buy it. Just for the cover...^^" But I bought the CD+DVD version of Yuri no hana just beacuse the gorgeous cover, so... I don't know xD

The most important now is to buy Juunin toiro. It has this picture in it --->

I couldn't figure out where is this picture from until now. Some guy took photos of his copy of the Juunin toiro single, and I immediately go excited :D I was like 'I HAVE to buy this asap!!! *o*' And it has a bigger pic in this outfit too, but her head can't be seen on the photo, so it will be a surprise! :D
I think I'll order Juunin toiro with the 2 new releases I want soon. *-*