September 30, 2011

#051 HO・N・TO・U・SO / SU・KI・RA・I Tracklist!

I just checked CDJapan and the new single's description is updated! First of all there is a first press bonus poster *-* (I hope there won't be just Tales of stuff on it, maybe like the end=START poster which is double-sided?)

So the tracklists:

CD Only
3. Tanabata☆JITA ButterFly♪feat.misono
4. Kimi to watashi no uta (ME ver.)

Me Ver.
3. Tanabata☆JITA ButterFly♪feat.misono
1. HO・N・TO・U・SO (Video Clip)
2.「NO you! NO life! NO...×× ? Feat.Me ~ME direction」

Tales of Ver.
3. Tanabata☆JITA ButterFly♪feat.misono
4. with you (ME ver.)
1. HO・N・TO・U・SO ~Tales of Symphonia THE ANIMATION sekai tougou hen ver.~ (Video Clip)
2. Tales... ~Tales of Festival 2011 live ver.~
3. HO・N・TO・U・SO ~Tales of Festival 2011 live ver.~
4. with you feat.Me ~ME direction ver.~

OK, now I want all types O.o But sadly I don't have so much money and I already preordered the Me version ^^" I hope Tales of fans will buy the Tales of version and upload it (aww, that DVD with lives... *____*)
And Tanabata☆JITA ButterFly! And 「NO you! NO life! NO...×× ?」PV! And with you Me version! I'm so excited! ^^
The only thing I don't understand is Kimi to watashi no uta. It will be the 3rd version of this song but I don't think it's so good :/


Anonymous said...

is the poster with all three versions or just the Tales version?

tomibonbon said...

It's with all 3 versions ^^

Anonymous said...

really? sweet I think im goint to get the CD/DVD as well as the Tales version. yay thanks for clearing that Up^^.

LOL November is going to be busy for music, Girl next door's new single, Misono's new single( I know she's calling herself ME but) as well as Kumi new single.^^^^

Anonymous said...

if you want the poster you'll have to order form cdjapan because I asked yesasia and they sent a reply saying it doesn't come with a poster if you buy it through them darn, I normally buy form yesasia for my music but I might have to go with CDJapan for this one, I hope they ship to Australia:D